Saturday 27 February 2016

My New Favourite Website/Community


Today I just wanted to give a quick word about a great website everyone should know about!
For a very long time my husband used to tell me about this website called "Instructables"... and I was very passive on the idea. That changed when he told me about a contest called "Sew Warm", where you post instructions on a project for something warm. I have so many quilts but writing instructions for them is a different story. I decided to try it, and now, 4 instructables later, I am a
little obsessed.

My profile :

I love instructables for the home-made 'real life' feel of the website. Everyday new projects are featured so there is always something new. It isn't one of those fluffy blogs with amazing professional photography for every project, it is real life people making real life projects who want to share. I have referenced many different instructions from this website and got great inspiration for other projects.

The Sew Warm contest was great, I was a runner up and got an AWESOME Tshirt! I love Instructables, I like the commenting, the communities and the overall friendliness of the staff and community. I highly suggest next time you want to make some awesome recipes, a homemade shelf, a knitted sweater or even a cool dog toy, check it out!

I now post all my tutorials on both the blog and instructables!

Heres the link to the website - have fun and share your own projects - the staff are great and it is very user friendly. Follow my profile to get the latest free tutorials.


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